I Fast For Simplicity

Irfan Bhanji
1 min readSep 21, 2021

Everyone talks about the health benefits of fasting but I do it because it makes life simpler.

  • One less meal to think about.
  • No prepping an extra meal or buying one.
  • Helps me avoid snacking at night

I don’t skip breakfast. I delay it a few hours then skip lunch. Lunch is my least favorite meal. This is easier since WFH became a thing.

I fast on weekdays and do a 16:8 fast; which means eating my first meal at noon and my last around 8 pm. On weekends, I cycle off. I want to enjoy brunch with my partner and socialize at night with friends.

Fasting isn’t for everyone. Some people have strong hunger in the morning. Others have low blood sugar if they don’t eat. And fasting is complicated for females.

You do you. However, learning to go without is something you develop. Both in terms of what society tells you is normal (three meals a day) and understanding how hunger works (it fluctuates).



Irfan Bhanji

Organizational psychologist specializing in talent management. Productivity writer and exercise junkie.